Wearables Take on the Kondo Effect

Normally the winter can be a dreary time for the clothing collections business but to our surprise the volume we saw in January and February beat the yields of our best months in 2018.  As a small business it is tough to prognosticate and decipher where various trade winds were coming in from but with further investigation it was clear we were swept into the Kondo Effect.

We are never ones to complain about an overflowing greenmarket or bin as it is a boost in business. Yet there was something odd about what was happening. People were coming out in droves alluding to the Netflix show that had inspired them to clean their closets. A good closet cleaning is always great for the soul but there was an undercurrent that we noticed in comments.  Some backlash from people in the space of sustainability. The feeling was that this was just a moment and in a very cynical view said that most these people would simply refill their closets once the idea of the purge to SPARK JOY was over.

Our take is that its never a bad thing for people to even consider their consumerism.  Since the begining of Wearable Collections 15 years ago we have been educating to raise the consciousness of our consumption.  We believe in the good in people and believe that the idea of of surrounding yourself with only items that are pleasing to you is a lofty goal. And with any lofty goal we will fall short at times. But falling short doesnt mean we aren’t moving forward.  This movement has become a meme because it has arrived at a time when we are all looking for solutions and more harmony with the items we consume.  For those of you who recycle with Wearable Collections during this time, please know that we continue to push the ticket and continually try to connect dots to find the highest utility for your goods.  Your closet cleaning was not in vain!


2020 Vision


The Evolution of Wearable Collections