Wearable Collections raises $100,000 for charity partners

Wearable Collections doesn’t really like to toot our own horn but as we were going through the books to begin closing out 2012, we saw a number that struck us. Over the past two years Wearable Collections has been able to generate over $100,000 for our partners!

Our partners cover the spectrum from national leaders such as The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and Habitat for Humanity, to local stars GrowNYC and City Harvest, and some of our great friends at community groups such as Pratt Towers and the dozens of schools we work with. The list is too long to name everybody but please know this it is our honor to service and support all of you.  It is because of you that we have been able to divert 6 million lbs of textiles from landfills since our inception.  We are really proud to be a cog in such a productive engine. Thanks for participating in it with us.


Wearable Success – Sargent Elementary of Beacon, NY


Biggest Collection by a School District in 2012 – Hopewell Valley Regional School District